What started out as an investigation into the overloading of the waste treatment plant in Allenwood last November, is starting to escalate more and more to other areas of the waste water system, as I dig deeper and talk to more affected residents.
I have discovered through Freedom of Information, that a land dispute has evolved between Kildare County Council and the owner of the land on which a pumping station was built in Allenwood North. The council didn’t pay the land owner for the land before proceeding with building the pump station.
The gate to the pump station was locked by the land owner and access was denied to Kildare County Council, and now, Irish Water. This means that the pumping station equipment cannot be maintained. Waste Water must be pumped from the manhole in the road outside the pumping station at a cost of thousands of euros per month.
I am committed to getting Irish Water to resolve this situation but I accept that the company has been unfortunate to have inherited this problem from Kildare County Council.