ACDAL €300,000 Grant

Well done to Cara and all the team in ACDAL Allenwood on their successful application for €300,000 for more upgrades to their enterprise centre. They provide remote working hubs and office space, as well as conference and meeting rooms, and support local community groups such as Na Fianna Ladies GFC, Allenwood Tidy Towns, Na Fianna…

Register to Vote Online

Very good news today as people are now able to register to vote online at You just need your PPSN, Date of Birth and Eircode to register. The same online service can also be used to update your address or other details if you are already on the register. 16 and 17 year olds…

Community Centre Grants

Well done to Carbury Village Residents Association, Ballyteague GAA Official and Cooleragh & Staplestown Parish on their successful funding applications to develop community centres in their areas. Each group was awarded the maximum €25,000 amount and I was happy to support Minister Martin Heydon as he worked with Minister Humphrey’s Department of Rural and Community…

Population Growth in Rural Areas

Preliminary Census 2022 results were published yesterday and show that the areas of Derrinturn, Allenwood, Robertstown and Coill Dubh, had the most growth in the Clane Local Electoral Area. This is very interesting as the settlement hierarchy in our county development plan, which defines the vision for how the county should grow and develop, aims…

Incidents in Derrinturn

I am very disappointed to hear that the hens in St. Conleth’s National School in Derrinturn had to be moved out, after some of them were taken from their coop. It was such a nice and unique addition to the school. I have also seen that despite our best efforts to secure the Community Garden…

Draft County Development Plan

The draft County Development Plan for Kildare (2023 – 2029) is now available for public viewing and submissions at before 4PM on 24th May. I have been very busy working on this plan over the last few months, and for the first time ever, our plan will include objectives to link up the Grand…

New Office Opened

Thanks to all who came to the opening of my new office last weekend. Thanks to Minister Martin Heydon for doing me the honour of officially opening it. I will be running regular clinics in the evenings and on weekends here. If you need my assistance then please call, text or WhatsApp me, and I…