Drehid Landfill Expansion Refused

Permission to expand the Drehid Landfill has been refused by An Bord Pleanála for a number of reasons. A big concern amongst local residents was the impact of heavy haulage traffic on nearby schools and villages. The board did refuse on the basis that an expansion would “give rise to traffic congestion and would endanger…

Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub

I’ve been keeping track of COVID-19 cases in our area using the Government’s Data Hub. See https://covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com/. I pay more attention to these local numbers more than the national figures at this point. I’m also finding that a daily walk and getting some fresh air is really helping my mental health. Try to get outside…

Register to Vote in Kildare

If you have just turned 18, or will be 18 on February 15th 2021, then you can register now to vote in future elections. To check if you are already registered go to http://www.checktheregister.ie/ To register, just print out the form at https://b-wy.se/voting-form and complete it. If you don’t have access to a printer then…

New report on Broadband and Digital

At the October meeting of full council, I sought the support of my fellow councillors to have a section added to the monthly Chief Executive’s report relating to Digital & Telecommunications Development. The provision of fast and reliable broadband to every home in the county is essential. Even more so now as more people are…

Canal Towpath Trails Guide

I really like this guide to the canals in Kildare, produced by Kildare Sports Partnership. They even explain how to pronounce the ‘Skew Bridge’ in Allenwood! You can view it online at http://www.kildare.ie/kildaresp/TowpathTrails/ and check out the KSP Facebook page for details of the September walking challenge they’ve organised.

Solar Farm on Timahoe North Bog

In granting permission for a Solar Farm on the Timahoe North Bog, following an appeal by Butterfly Conservation Ireland, An Bord Pleanála have decided that the habitats of Timahoe Bog were not worth protecting. This will be the first large scale solar farm built on peat in the world that I can see. Leading solar…