Very good news for Allenwood with an expansion for Scoil Mhuire National School formally approved by the Dept. of Education. Well done to Mr. O’Toole and his staff, and to Nicola Carey and the Board of Management for their work on the application. My thanks to Minister Heydon for coming out to meet with us…
I am very disappointed to hear that the hens in St. Conleth’s National School in Derrinturn had to be moved out, after some of them were taken from their coop. It was such a nice and unique addition to the school. I have also seen that despite our best efforts to secure the Community Garden…
Out in Anne Street, Prosperous, today where great community spirit is being shown in the estate as their Spring Clean takes place. Fair play to the organisers and the residents who helped out. Your area is looking really well. There is a bit of an old traffic cone in one of the trees near the…
Massive thanks to the staff of Lullymore Heritage & Discovery Park for volunteering to clean up this load of household waste that was dumped in Bord na Móna owned Lodge Bog. Bord na Móna did not have the resources to do it, but the local community group LBDC Community Alert were able to get it…
I recently made my submission to Bord na Móna in relation to their plans to rehabilitate Lodge Bog, in Lullymore and Allenwood South. While a large area remains constrained from rehabilitation to accommodate plans for the Ballydermot Wind Farm, a significant area is to be rewetted. I have already received a positive response to my…
There is a €150 fine on the way to this Hiace van driver that threw his plastic bottle onto the road side near Dag Welds the other day. It should be a much bigger fine in my opinion, but it might make him have more respect for our countryside the next time he’s passing through…
It was an absolute pleasure to meet with the Transition Year students of St. Farnan’s today. They are a wonderful class and a credit to the school and to their families. I spoke about my career, the value of apprenticeships, my work as a councillor, the democratic process and the importance of volunteering and giving…
It is very concerning to see Quad and Scrambler bikes being ridden on the new Barrow Blueway. The path is used regularly by families, young and old, to walk and cycle. It is designed for slow paced activities only. Off-road vehicles are dangerous and the laws around them have been strengthened in recent years. I…
Well done to all in Ticknevin Community Group on the completion of their boat project at the bridge. Thanks to Jim Connolly for telling Doreen Daly and I about all the hard work that was done behind the scenes. I have been working with the group to secure grants for equipment and projects over the…
It was a pleasure for Bernard Durkan TD and I to welcome MEP Maria Walsh to St. Farnan’s Post Primary School yesterday. St. Farnan’s is a member of the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme and Maria met the TY class for a good question and answers session about her work in the European Parliament. Thanks…