Allenwood Waste Water System

This page provides a current update for the project to resolve current issues with Allenwood Waste Water System.


SUMMARY: Irish Water state that the WWTP has spare capacity. Irish Water are planning to upgrade the system in Allenwood North.


10th September 2018

An item is raised at a meeting of West Kildare Fine Gael Branch relating to the capacity of Allenwood Waste Water Treatment Plant. It is mentioned in a report by the branch that is issued to Cllr. Mark Stafford, Cllr. Brendan Weld and Martin Heydon T.D. at the meeting. See West Kildare FG Report September 2018

12th November 2018

Brendan Wyse makes two submissions on two planning applications related to housing developments in Allenwood village. He points out that the population increase resulting from current houses being built will cause the Allenwood WWTP to exceed capacity, based on the load given by Irish Water in the 2017 Annual Environmental Report (AER) for the plant. See Allenwood WWTP Load Projections 2018 Rev. 2

21st November 2018

Cllr. Mark Stafford raises the question with Irish Water directly on behalf of Brendan Wyse, and is told: 

I have received an update from the Local Wastewater Department advising that Irish Water Allenwood WWTP has over 20% headroom at present which is about 270 population equivalents and hence is not on the current investment plan.

There are localised issues with some of the sewerage system which Irish Water are continually addressing and have instigated a pipeline replacement project which is delayed by planning issues.

No comment is made regarding the ability of the WWTP to cope with the new houses being built. 

23rd November 2018

Brendan Wyse emails Irish Water asking for an investigation into the inevitable capacity problem and sending them the capacity report that lists all the granted and pending planning applications. See Allenwood WWTP Load Projections 2018 Rev. 2

2nd January 2019

Brendan Wyse emails Irish Water asking for an update on his query of 23rd November. He is told on 4th January:

Unfortunately there is no update to provide to you today as your investigation is still in progress with the relevant department. I can confirm that I have requested an update on your behalf. As soon as further information becomes available, a member of our customer care team will be in contact with you. 

28th January 2019

Brendan Wyse submits a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Irish Water seeking to obtain details on the cost of the ongoing tanker transfer by Boyne Waste Services from the Allenwood North waste system, any other problems with the Allenwood Waste Agglomeration, the cost of the maintenance contract with EPS and the method by which Irish Water determined in 2017 that the WWTP capacity would not be exceeded by 2020 despite planning already granted for a sufficient number of houses to push the plant over its limit in 2018/19.


1st April 2019

Irish Water issue a reply to the FOI request. They state that there is a dispute over the land on which the Allenwood North pumping station is built and that they cannot access the station as the landowner is refusing access. Irish Water will not reveal the costs of the tanker transfer as they say it is ‘commercially sensitive’ information.

See Land Dispute Causing Allenwood North Waste Water Issues.

5th July 2019

Cllr. Wyse asks for an update in the Clane Maynooth Municipal District meeting on the dispute and is told that it is moving towards a conclusion. Cllr. Wyse has a conversation with the landowner’s daughter and is told that this is not the case.

23rd September 2019

Cllr. Wyse meets representatives from Irish Water and asks for an update on the dispute and is told that it has been resolved. Cllr. Wyse confirms this with the landowner’s daughter.

Irish Water state that a capital programme to upgrade the waste water system in Allenwood North has been approved.

25th November 2019

At a meeting with Irish Water staff on November 25th, Cllr. Wyse is informed that the land dispute relating to the pumping station has now been resolved and that plans to upgrade the pumping station are now in progress.

It is also confirmed that the treatment plant will have the capacity to take the additional load from Allenwood North, when the system there is fixed. Cllr. Wyse does raise the issue of approved planning applications and in progress developments. Irish Water state that the plant efficiency can be improved to allow it to take additional load.

5th December 2019

Irish Water confirm in writing the information given to Cllr. Wyse at the November meeting.


Waste Water Discharge Licence