Traffic Lights in Allenwood

I received confirmation recently that a new pedestrian crossing on the Bluetown side of Allenwood Cross is currently undergoing detailed designs, along with traffic lights on all four approach roads. This is ultimately what we need to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety at the cross, which is unbelievably busy these days. In the meantime, please…

Cluain Dara Pedestrian Safety

More road safety improvements this week. This roadside at the entrance to Cluain Dara in Derrinturn, is right beside the footpath. These new bollards will keep vehicles away from the pedestrians here, making it much safer. Thanks to the council roads team for their work, and to the resident who pointed it out to me….

Bollards at Farnan Wood

Thanks to the local council roads team for acting quickly to stop vehicles from parking on the new footpath at the pedestrian and cycle entrance to Farnan Wood and the 821 bus stop in Prosperous. I put in the request earlier this week after seeing the area blocked off by a large vehicle and it…

Windmill Cross Bus Stop

After several years campaigning by residents, and Cllr. Brendan Weld and myself raising it with the council and the NTA, it is good to see the bus stop at Windmill Cross, Derrinturn now moved to a safe location beside the footpath. The old location was dangerous and inaccessible, and was never the proper place for…

Pedestrian Lights for Derrinturn

The new pedestrian lights in Derrinturn have been turned on, which completes this massive road safety project in the vicinity of the school and the village. Our local council Roads and Sustainable Transport teams have overseen this project from start to finish in an excellent manner. The design was informed by a Village Healthcheck project…

Allenwood Silouhettes

A few people have been asking me about these little silhouettes that were put up in Allenwood yesterday. They are the work of Allenwood Safety Committee which was formed last year and they were inspired by a similar project in Sallins. The group worked with Na Fianna Men’s Shed to have them made and they…

Brockagh Cross Road Safety

There have been a number of near misses at Brockagh Cross in the last few years and some of the people that have been in touch with me were very lucky to avoid serious injury. They were mostly caused by drivers coming from the Coill Dubh or Robertstown directions and going straight through the cross…

Allenwood Students Safety Work

Well done to the Student Council of Scoil Mhuire Allenwood who organised traffic counts at the school entrance as part of their work to support the new Allenwood Safety Committee. Earlier this year, the 5th class students wrote to me asking about the possibility of building a footpath from Allenwood Cross to the GAA grounds….