€8209 for Lodge Bog Boardwalk

I am very pleased to see €8209 awarded to the Irish Peatland Conservation Council to upgrade the boardwalk at Lodge Bog and offer more educational visits to the bog. I am lucky enough to live right beside it, but I look forward to the return of the educational tours, so that more people can learn about our bogs.

The views from the boardwalk are amazing, with the Hill of Allen, Grange Hill and Dunmurry Hill, all prominent on the skyline. The adjacent road is a designated scenic route in our County Development Plan, which protects the landscape here into the future.

May be an image of text that says 'Irish Peatlands Conservation Council Kildare €8,208.66 To upgrade bog boardwalk, viewing area and seat, install signage and seating and improve access. Το deliver a volunteer work camp to clear scrub along the boundary of the nature reserve and offer educational visits to 15 hools/classes at Lodge Bog.'

Minister Martin Heydon informed me about the grant, which was part of the €230,000 Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme for 2021.